Thursday, 1 September 2011

Buddy love !!!!

don't really know what to say really !!!  cute maybe !!!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Back to Nunnery farm

Back to Nunnery Farm to check in on Mum

faced a stand off with the locals....

then had a sneaky cuddle with my little sis....

lovely day :)

Monday, 8 August 2011

Monday, 1 August 2011

Can't bite ya but i'll give you a nasty suck.....

Budz may take a while to get through his chews as his teeth are a little on the sparse side at the moment - much to the delight of the children

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Footprints in the sand.....

rumours of some strange beast on the northeast sands.....
(would just like to add these are man size 10 feet) 

Oh it's just the Budster!!!!! going large....

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The effects of anesthetic!!!!

On Friday Buddy had to have his dew claws removed as he was born with doubles and the second ones where extremely floppy, so we took the decision along with the vet to get them removed before they caused him too much trouble.......OMG!!!!! is all i can say......what on earth did they give him? he is like another dog. He has suddenly turned from a super chilled out berner whos only exersion was to get up and eat his food into Lewis Hamilton of the berner world......and that includes the crashes and destruction that goes with him. He is WILD!
Oh and please can someone explain these ears????? (mammy leanne????)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Going Large.....

Buddy has fast outgrown his toys (thats the ones that are still in one piece) so we thought this one might last a couple of weeks.....He defo loves it
He is growing before our very eyes and i think within the next few weeks will be a fully fledged kitchen counter surfer!!!!! oh the joys!!!!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Like father, like son!!!!!


Rocky  - Buddys dad 


Buddy age 3 months

OMG - he is a clone!!!!!!

Budz looking all sweet and innocent - only look at the evidence in the background!!!!! i think not.....

Monday, 27 June 2011

Just one !!!!

Anyone know the legal age for a berner????

boy its hot today - i'm not movin far from my water dish!!!

Friday, 24 June 2011

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Jurrasic Perk !!!!

I'm safe under here watched by my own personal doggy guard!!

Time flies......

This was me just 11 weeks ago today weighing just 425g

Today my mum weighed me  and i am a whopping 11.7kgs
my good looks have grown with me as you can see  :)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Spot the Berner!!!!!!!!!!!

 Can you spot the Berner hiding in the trees?
This is my favourite place in the garden, and i'm not too sure how long i am gonna be able to fit under the childrens slide but my theory is that if i keep digging down then i will fit!!!!!!!!!! Wot else were these huge paws created for i ask???????????
Just please do not disturb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! work in progress!!!

Monday, 20 June 2011


Firstly welcome to my blog, My name is Buddy and i am a 10 week old Bernese Mountain Dog.This blog is about my adventures in the big wide world and within my new forever home. I live with my family on the outskirts of Durham City.I haven't always lived here, I was born in Halifax on a small-holding but left there a couple of weeks ago However i shall return to see my wonderful mum Molly and her lot. My dad lives with his family in Wales and i will eventually get down there to meet him and my extended family.
I know wot you are thinking 'im a handsom chap aren't i?' well wait until you meet my mum,dad and brothers and sisters.............